Monday, January 14, 2019



Maury County Bass Anglers first tournament next Saturday the 23rd Tim's Ford lake at Devil Step boat ramp blast off 7-3 any boaters or non boaters needing to pair up joining or prepaying contact me or Freddie Kelsey this week.

Maury County Bass Anglers @ Facebook

Poc William @ 931-215-8461

Freddie @ 931-820-4250

Call for Information

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Constitution And Bi-Laws

  • Constitution And Bi-Laws
  • CONSTITUTION & BY LAWS Revised: December 1, 2008 ARTICLE I: NAME & PURPOSE SECTION 1: NAME This organization shall be called the Maury County Bass Anglers. SECTION 2: PURPOSE To offer our State Conservation Department and Wildlife Resources Agency and the Tennessee Conservation League our organized and political support and encouragement. To promote full adherence to all Conservation Codes of existing regulatory standards. To take political action to improve our environment and to take a leadership role in repairing the harm that has already occurred to the waters of our State. To promote youth development programs on a local basis. To conduct tournaments as the Board of Directors shall deem advisable. To conduct any program or activity to promote the sport of bass fishing. ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1: MEMBERSHIP DUES a. Dues are $35.00 per member per year (includes big bass for year). b. A completed and signed official entry form. ARTICLE III: DIRECTORS SECTION 1: MCBA DIRECTORS The MCBA Directors shall consist of all duly elected Officers & Directors. The Board of Directors shall oversee the operation of MCBA. SECTION 2: TERM of OFFICE The term of office for each Director shall be for three (3) years, which shall begin on the day of the election and end when the successor assumes office. All Directors shall be eligible to succeed themselves. SECTION 3: VACANICES If an office of one of the Directors should become vacant, the remaining Directors shall appoint a person to serve the un-expired term of the departing Director. . ARTICLE IV: OFFICERS SECTION 1: OFFICERS and DUTIES The Officers of MCBA shall consist of: a.        President: Preside over all meetings and direct all official business b.        Vice President: Assist the President in his duties and preside in the absence of the President c.        Secretary: Maintain accurate membership records and assist the President in his duties. d.        Treasurer: Maintain accurate financial records and assist the President in his duties. e.        Weigh Master: Has responsibility for the weigh-in at club tournaments. f.        Length Official: Has responsibility for the weigh-in at club tournaments. SECTION 2: METHOD of DETERMING CANDIATES a.        Only current members of the MCBA Directors are eligible to hold office. SECTION 3: TERM of OFFICE The term of office is for three (3) year, which shall begin on January 1st after the election and continue until a successor assumes office. Officers may succeed themselves. SECTION 4: VACANCIES If the office of the President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume the duties of President. In the event of any other office becoming vacant, the President shall appoint someone to fill the un-expired term. ARTICLE V: TOURNAMENT RULES & REGULATIONS The Tournament Rules and Regulations are an official part of the Constitution and By Laws.